Factorio forums
Factorio forums

factorio forums

  •"YARM", "reset_ui", player_name_or_index): destroys the target player's YARM UI, forcing it to be recreated (hopefully correctly) at the next UI update cycle (about every 5 seconds).
  •"YARM", "reset_player", player_name_or_index): sets the target player's character to be whatever the player has selected (if it's of a compatible type, of course) and clears out internal data relative to the player.
  • YARM's remote interface is grown as needed there are only a few functions currently: If you have v0.8.206, please read this comment
  • But it will need a bit more fixing to prevent corrupting saves.

    Sorting implementation by The Factorio Discord, especially Factorio devs helping in #mod-making (especially Smoothed ore-per-minute calculation by Alphabetical site sorting by Multiple changes and fixes by GVV compatibility by Space Exploration compatibility patch by Estimate calculations by (with apologies for taking over a year to test).Chinese translation by and Japanese translation by More updating assistance by Other-mod-friendly patches by Resource monitor shortcut graphics by (aka morle圓76).Configuration assistance by Italian translation by futuroattore86.Major performance enhancements by Updating assistance by External interface additions by and The Russian translation by RikkiLook.Graphics by Meppi on the Factorio forums:.Members of the #factorio IRC on espernet. Excellent suggestions for new behaviour from and several.The similarly-major efforts of jorgenRe and to create.This is minimally informative,Īnd time to depletion is probably going to be quite wrong, but it's the best weĬan do with what we have. Minimum amount is present in the ore entities.


    The percentage full is therein calculated based on how much more than the Sites are bound to forces (i.e., teams), so any sites you add will be visibleĮndless resources (by default, oil, but mods exist for others) are supported For performance reasons, the overlay appears gradually While expanding a site, a blue overlay (identical to the one used whenĬreating the site in the first place) will highlight the ores that comprise.Will finish the adding process (and update the site, if it's changed). Pressing the '+' while it's red (which indicates addition in progress).NB: For ease of use, the '+' button also activates the resource.Site you want to expand, then use the marker tool to select the new ore site The '+' button allows you to expand an existing site.Red click it again within 2 seconds to confirm deletion, or leave it alone to The 'X' button allows you to delete the site.The 'eye' button opens the map to the center of the ore, and zooms to world.Note: Names may not be longer than 50 characters!.This can be useful to preventĪuto-naming from overwriting one of your sites with another. The 'ab|' button allows you to rename the site.There are buttons available to change theįilter to either "no sites" (which never shows any sites at all!) or "allĮach site has some buttons associated with it: Sites can be renamed at any time! The default name is just aīy default, YARM shows only sites that are about to expire (i.e., less than 10%.Message will be shown informing you of its name and the amount of ore found Upon the expiry of those 2 seconds, the site will be created and a.The site and start a new one on the other ore. If you tap a different kind of ore instead, you will instantly create.If you tap the ground instead, you will cancel the site.After the scan, you have 2 seconds to select another ore of the same kind,.Top of the ore(s) you clicked, and growing as YARM finds their neighbours,Īnd their neighbours, until the entire ore patch has been scanned. If everything went well, you should now see a blue overlay showing up on.Ore entity in a patch (like using a blueprint). Use the shortcut button "Resource monitor marker" to drag-select at least one.


    Once the mod is installed, using it is relatively simple: Your mining sites and warns you when they're starting to run low.

    Factorio forums